Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Things to Know Before Visiting a Butterfly House

Youve probably seen live butterfly exhibits offered in your local zoos or nature museum. These exhibits offer visitors the chance to observe butterflies up close. Most butterfly houses populate their exhibits with butterflies from around the world, allowing you to see a variety of colorful species youd have to travel the globe to find in the wild. Bring a camera, because youll definitely want to capture images of these flying flowers. Heres a primer on what to expect when visiting, including tips for getting butterflies to land on you, and photographing your favorites. Things to Know Before You Visit a Butterfly House Butterfly houses are hot, humid environments. In most cases, the exhibit is meant to mimic butterflies native tropical habitat. If you have health issues that may be exacerbated by high temperatures or humidity, you may want to keep your visit short. A well-designed butterfly house usually has a double set of doors with a vestibule in between at both the entrance and exit. This is to help prevent butterflies from escaping  and to help keep the temperature inside the exhibit constant. Butterfly houses usually have misters placed throughout the exhibit to help maintain the humidity. Depending on where they are located, you might be sprayed with a gentle mist of water as you walk through the exhibit. Butterflies sometimes rest on the ground, including on the pathways where you will be walking. Pay attention to where you are stepping to avoid crushing a resting butterfly. Be sure to look up, too! Resting moths can fly way up high on the exhibit walls, or even on light fixtures. Butterflies behave differently depending on the species, the time of day, and environmental variables like temperature and humidity. Some species on exhibit may seem to do nothing but rest. These are often crepuscular butterflies, meaning theyre active at dawn and dusk. Most will be most active during the warmest, sunniest part of the day, which is usually the afternoon. Because butterflies are short-lived, some of the butterflies you observe may be nearing the end of their lives. You might see some butterflies that look tattered, with missing wing scales or even torn wings. This doesnt mean something is wrong with their care. Newly emerged butterflies, by contrast, will have bright, bold colors, and clean wing edges. Usually, the staff will release newly emerged butterflies and moths into the exhibit at a specific time each day, often in the afternoon. If you want to see this, you might want to call ahead to ask when they do the daily release, so you can plan your visit accordingly. Butterfly House Donts You will usually find a set of rules posted where you enter the butterfly house. These may include: Dont bring food or drinks into the exhibit.Dont wander off the pathways in the exhibit.Dont touch the plants or pick flowers.Dont pick up or handle the butterflies, unless a staff member invites you to do so.Dont remove butterflies from the exhibit area, even if they are dead. Butterfly House Dos Do take your time. Butterfly spotting takes patience!Do ask questions. Most butterfly houses have knowledgeable staff or volunteers posted in the exhibit area, able and willing to teach you about the species you are seeing.Do look for feeding stations and puddling areas, where you can get a closer view of the butterflies.Do visit the emerging area, where you can watch new butterflies and moths break out of their pupal cases. You might have to wait for a while to see one emerge, but it is well worth it.Do consider bringing a small pair of binoculars with you, to get a better view of butterflies perched high in the exhibit.Do take lots of pictures! Where else will you have that many butterflies within reach of your camera lens?Do check for hitchhikers before you exit the butterfly house. Ask a friend to make sure no butterflies have perched on your back. Behaviors You Can Observe in the Butterfly House To the novice butterfly observer, it might look like the butterflies are only doing one of two things: flying or resting. But theres more to butterfly behavior than that. Some male butterflies will patrol a territory, looking for a mate. Youll see him flying back and forth, back and forth in one area of the exhibit. Other butterflies are more passive in defending their territory, preferring instead to perch. These butterflies sit quietly in one spot, usually high on a tree or other foliage, watching for females to flutter into their area. If a male competitor enters his territory, he may chase him away. Because butterflies are ectothermic, they will bask in the sun to warm their bodies and their flight muscles. Butterflies also engage in puddling, which is how they get the minerals they need. You may see butterflies mating, and you will definitely observe butterflies feeding on nectar. See how many different behaviors you can observe! Tips for Getting a Butterfly to Land on You If youre lucky, a butterfly might land on you while you are in the exhibit. Theres no guarantee this will work but, you can do a few things to increase your chances. The best rule of thumb is to act as a flower: Wear brightly colored clothes. I have a bright yellow and orange tie-dyed shirt that always seems to lure butterflies to me.Smell sweet. If youre wearing a skin lotion or perfume that smells a bit like flowers, that attract a hungry butterfly.Stay still. Flowers dont move, so you wont fool a butterfly if youre walking around. Find a bench and stay put for a while. Tips for Taking Photos in a Butterfly House Butterfly houses afford photographers a unique opportunity to capture images of butterflies from all over the world, without the expense of traveling or the frustration of looking for them in the wild. Keep in mind that some butterfly houses do not allow photographers to bring tripods in, so call and ask before you visit. Here are a few tips for getting the good photographs on your next visit to a butterfly exhibit. Plan your visit for early in the day. Butterflies will be most active from late morning until late afternoon. You have a better chance of photographing butterflies at rest if you visit the butterfly house as soon as it opens in the morning.Give your camera time to adjust to the tropical environment. One thing that drives me nuts when I visit a butterfly house is my camera lens fogging up. If you move from a cooler, drier environment into the hot, humid climate of the butterfly exhibit, your camera is going to need a bit of time to acclimate before your lens will stay clear.Photograph butterflies from the front, not the back. You will be tempted to photograph the easy targets, like the butterflies resting on foliage with their beautiful wings visible to you. Look for butterflies on feeding stations or flowers, where you might be able to get a good close-up of it uncoiling its proboscis to drink, or tasting a piece of fruit with its feet. Rules for Displaying Live Butterflies Organizations that operate  live butterfly exhibits in the U.S.  must follow very strict USDA regulations. In most cases, their permit does not allow them to breed the species on exhibit. Plants within the butterfly exhibit provide nectar only; no larval host plants will be provided. Instead, they must purchase butterflies as pupae, which are housed in a separate area until the adults emerge. Most butterfly houses receive new shipments of pupae on a weekly basis since adult butterflies are short-lived. Once they are ready to fly, the adults are released into the exhibit. All butterflies must be kept within the confines of the butterfly house, and careful measures must be taken to prevent escapes.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Mbuti Culture Essays - 2460 Words

In the Congo, of Africa, lives a tribe known as the Mbuti. They are pygmies (dwarf like people) living in a luscious rain forest known as the Ituri. The Ituri Forest existed prior to the last ice age. The universe of the rainforest is one of purged sunlight below a lofty, expansive cloak of trees, where abysmal peace exists with the punctuating cries of the numerous birds and animals that share the forest with the Mbuti. A consistent, peacefully affable warmth, ample rainfall, damp air, and rich earth nurture the abundance of vegetation that grows. The abundance of vegetation benefits animals, birds, and insects that are soon to become a nutrimental source of the Mbuti diet. The culture of the Mbuti derived from their dependents on the†¦show more content†¦Around the 19th century people began to explore the Congo more. The images that Homer and Aristotle portrayed through their writing begin to slowly fade. The Mbuti were no longer visualized as mythical and sub-human creatu res, but as people (Suroviak, para. 9, 1996 a). It has been shown that most societies that depend on foragers and hunting rely on close family ties for survival. Kinship is important because of the lack of resources (Nowak, 2010). Mbuti is a tribe of foragers and hunters, living on the resources they extract from forest. The Mbuti live in an area with an abundance of resources and close ties are not needed. Mbuti is the aboriginal name of the tribe; however the tribe is divided into sub-group (Mbuti and Efe). The name of the tribe depends on the dialect spoken. The Mbuti predominately speak the language of the Bantu and the Efe dialect is of the Sudanic language. The two clans of pygmies share a tropical rainforest stretching into the northeast sector of the Congo. The â€Å"Forest† is the core of the Mbuti culture (Mosko, p. 898, para. 6, 1987 a). Kinship becomes important to the Mbuti when selecting a spouse. Kinship recognition is only important when choosing a wi fe or husband. No person is allowed to marry kin on their mothers or fathers side of the family. Unlike, western societies, there are no formal ritual for marriage or divorce. People are considered married once the couple moves in together. They believe marrying outside their ageShow MoreRelatedMbuti Culture1130 Words   |  5 PagesMbuti Culture Micheal Smith ANT 101 Prof. Tracy Samperio September 24, 2012 Mbuti Culture Mbuti primary mode of subsistence is Foraging. A forager lives as hunter and gatherer. The Mbuti hunt and gather food from the forest, and they trade as well for survival. They are referred as hunter-gatherer. They are a small band of kinship groups that are mobile. All foraging communities value their lifestyle. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Road Essay †Cormac Mccarthy Free Essays

The Road by: Cormac McCarthy Described the novel as a â€Å"gripping, heart-rending story, which explores the depths of despair and savagery beside the heights of love, tenderness and self-sacrifice. † Destruction, survival, isolation, and death are prominent themes in The Road. Most life has been wiped out by some unnamed catastrophic event. We will write a custom essay sample on The Road Essay – Cormac Mccarthy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Cities are destroyed; plant life is gone; animals have disappeared. Civilization has broken down, and chaos reigns in its place. No matter where the man and the boy go, houses have no roofs and are rotting from the rain and wind. The natural cycle of seasons has been destroyed: it seems to be perpetually winter. Even the stability of the earth is off-kilter, for an earthquake shakes the ground on the East Coast. In a storytelling style that is stripped as bare as the novel’s setting, McCarthy recounts the journey of an unnamed man and boy, in an undefined location, who search among the debris in the aftermath of some cataclysmic event for morsels of food and warmth. Though their lungs are tortured by the thick ash that discolors and taints the air, and their unshod feet are blistered and almost frozen, they trudge forever forward, always hoping for something better, something similar to the past. They rarely find it. And they dare not linger, because other wanderers, likewise cold and hungry, will inevitably come upon them, fighting for the tidbits that the man and boy have found. In stark contrast to the devastated surroundings stands the man and boy’s unshaken devotion to one another. In a landscape where nothing blooms, their love flourishes and grows deeper, even as they wonder all the while which one of them will die first. They keep three things in mind as they move south toward a dream of warmth: they must find food, they must find clean water, and they must continually hide. bib: D. Dona Le, author of ClassicNote. Completed on July 24, 2009, copyright held by GradeSaver. Updated and revised by Adam Kissel September 19, 2009. Copyright held by GradeSaver. McCarthy, Cormac. The Road. London: Picador, 2006. McCarthy, Cormac. No Country for Old Men. London: Picador, 2007. White, J. M. â€Å"The Road (Book Review). Appalachian Heritage. 2006-12-01. 2009-07-20. . Whitmer, Benjamin. â€Å"The Road (Book Review). † The Modern Word. 2006-10-23. 2009-07-18. . Woodward, Richard B. â€Å"Cormac McCarthy’s Venomous Fiction. † The New York Times. 1992-04-19. 2009-07-14. . Kollin, Susan. â€Å"Genre and the Geographies of Violence: Cormac McCarthy an d the Contemporary Western. † Contemporary Literature 42:3 (Autumn 2001): 557-588. JSTOR. TCD Libraries, Dublin, Ireland. 18 July 2009. . Ellis, Jay. â€Å"‘What Happens to Country’ in Blood Meridian. † Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 60:1 (2006): 85-97. JSTOR. TCD Libraries, Dublin, Ireland. 18 July 2009. . How to cite The Road Essay – Cormac Mccarthy, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Management Theory a nd Practice Technology

Question: Discuss about the Management Theory a nd Practice Technology. Answer: Introduction It is the fact that in this century the need for the strategic management and its analysis is playing a vital role to each and every organization in the entire world. It helps the business organisations to be a successful corporation and avoid the problems corporate world. The process of strategic management, the companies have to understand the strategic analysis of the competitors, effective decision making, actions, visions, missions, goals and objectives. It guides the company to understand the strategic management of the competitors that will help in future to frame the policies and strategies (Eisenhardt, Graebner, 2007). They can also compare the strategic management of their own company with the competitor business organizations. The motive of this essay is to analyze the relevance of strategic management is to evaluate the internal and external environment of the company and also about the competitors. It provides a brief knowledge about the same according to which the company can frame the policies. In this essay, the company on which the discussions will take place on one of the leading company of sports material. It is very important for companies like Woolsworth to analyze the strategic management of their company as it will provide benefits for the same. The strategic management includes various types of analysis like market, consumer, stakeholder, competitors, etc. the essay comprises detail version of the strategic theories that will help the company to solve the issues related to the same. The applicability of these theories like resource based, knowledge based, etc. impact the managerial practice of the Woolsworth Company that will be discussed in this study (Nerur, Rasheed, Natarajan, 2008). At la st a conclusion and relevant recommendations will be provided for the company that will help in better strategic management. The company Woolsworth was facing few issues related to the strategic management of the company which can be resolved by using effective strategic management in the company. The strategic management is a process or a framework that helps in promoting systematic approaches of the strategies and its formulation. The purpose of strategic management in Woolsworth is to identify the mission, its purpose of the company so that desired goals can be achieved and issues can be solved (Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, 2012). Resource based theory The resource based theory says that many organisations have lost many of their resources and abilities like human tangible and intangible assets, physical assets, etc. according to resource based theory, the company Woolworth must have capability to change the resource of the company into the advantages like strategic advantage. It helps the company to perform its functions properly (Bascle, 2008). The strategic mansgment and resource based theory helps in optimal utilization so that the maximum output can be achieved at the lowest of the input. The knowledge based theory is an extension of resource based theory. It helps the companies to manage the functions related to the strategic management. According to this theory, there is some particular knowledge of each firm according to which the policy and strategies have to be formulated. The knowledge is related to the basic resource so the company, capabilities, etc. The basic resources help the company to have competitive advantages (Freeman, 2010). According to this theory, the companies required connections to run their business operations. The connections can be of different types like customers, suppliers, competitors, and many other relevant institutions. There are some particular connectivity between the different elements provides that provides frameworks to the company so that they can perform the functions (Aguinis, Boyd, Pierce, Short, 2011). These diversifications in the connections of the company show the strength of the same. The strategic management of the Woolworths Company The strategic management of any company initiates with the evaluation d analysis of the environment of the business organization like Woolworths. The aim of the organization depicts that to provide best quality to their customers so that they can remain satisfied. The objective of the company is to provide great shopping experience to its customers by providing high quality services (Nag, Hambrick, Chen, 2007). In order to achieve the same, the company is required to evaluate the resource, environment, capabilities, etc. and then they have to fame the strategies and policies accordingly. The first theory that is applied to the strategic management of Woolworths is resource based theory that helps to analyze the capability of the company. It has been analyzed that the company has an effective supply chain of resources. It is evaluated by the supply chain management and the distribution network, and logistical management of Woolworths. The company use direct channels to distribute their products using distribution channels at many national and international sites. these distribution sites are certified and they check the quality of the products, mark them certified as well and then the products are directly send to the stores of Woolworths (Booker, Bontis, Serenko, 2008). It is one of the simple ways of distribution adopted by Woolworths that helps the company is to reduce the cost of distribution and operating cost by $ 2.5 million (Schot, Geels, 2008). There are lots of benefits that a company can enjoy by applying effective theories of strategic management. It is also observed that this company owns their own trucks and the distribution centers. Thus the company is enjoying effective distribution management for their products. The company also does not face any workers strike as they work in harmony as there is a good control over the workforce. There is an effective combination of the assets that is tangible and intangible assets that provides company all the required resource like supplier relation, technology, supply chain management, etc. all these elements helps the company to compete with the competitors present in the industry and market as it is one of the cost saving approach used by the company (Verhoef et al. 2009). The company is also enjoying high reputation and the management of the company is also good. The brand position of the company has been built by putting lots of efforts by the top level of the management and by providing good and fresh products to the customers (Creswell, 2013). It has also become possible because of the effective distribution management of Woolworths. The company always tries to cater a large group of customers by effective delivery and distribution system and good quality of products. The marketing team of Woolworths itself is very strong and they are eligible to attract a large group of customers with the slogan fresh food people. These are some of the policies of company that help them create the brand image as fresh and good quality brand and positioned themselves in the minds of the customers who sell the freshest food in the country (Getz, Page, 2016). These benefits that Woolworths can enjoy cannot be achieved by any other source of marketing and advertisement. The brand has become a leading brand in super markets of Australia. This happens because the brand loyalty of the brand creates a base in the minds of the customers and keeps them loyal for the same. These all strategies and policies are framed y the top level of management as they are responsible for each and every operation of the company (Edmondson, McManus, 2007). So, it has become every important that the top level management of the company must be intelligent and good decision maker. There are times when there is recession and downturn in the economic conditions in the countrys economy (Creswell, 2012).In such situations also, the company Woolworths is able to stand in the markets with confidence as the top level management is strong. The strategic management includes various types of analysis like market, consumer, stakeholder, competitors, etc. the essay comprises detail version of the strategic theories that will help the company to solve the issues related to the same. The applicability of these theories like resource based, network based, knowledge based, etc. Impact the managerial practice of the Woolsworth Company that has been discussed above (Markard, Raven, Truffer, 2012). At last a conclusion and relevant recommendations will be provided for the company that will help in better strategic management. The other strategic management concept is strategic management concept of the company. The value chain analysis of Woolworths helps the company to determine the other activities like value added services of the company. It also identifies the other activities that do not add any value to the company and ultimately the company eliminates such activities. This evaluation helps the company to form and frame the policies and strategies related to the value added activities (Schot, Geels, 2008). The major activities created value for the Woolworths are logistics, operating, marketing and sales. As discussed above, the company Woolsworth is in not in the manufacturing of the products, they deal in the retail of the products. Due to this, the company requires a strong brand position in the market and their own distribution channels to eliminate the extra and unwanted activities form the distribution channel (Finkelstein, Hambrick, Cannella, 2009). The mission statement of the company states that they want to foster the customers by giving them high quality products and a new experience of shopping. The new mission of the company is to raise the sales of the company by the end of the year 2020 that is AUD $ 1 million. There are any strategies that this company has adopted to achieve these objectives (DePoy, Gitlin, 2015). The first strategy of this company is directly related to the extension of the areas of leadership in food and liquor. To re-establish this, the company made efforts in the marketing of the fresh food people (Chia, MacKay, 2007). According to the strategic analysis of the company Woolworths, there are various types of recommendations that can be made on the company related to the innovation and changes that must be done to have competitive advantage over the competitors. The recommendations will also give parameters to bring improvements (Hevner, Chatterjee, 2010). The company Woolworths is capable to bring and adapt changes in its company as they adopt cost effective leadership to reduce the cost of operation the cost effective and reduction strategy is defined as the strategy which guide Woolsworth to lower the prices by decreasing the input and increasing the output. The management strategy can also be used to reduce the stock. Woolworths should increase the delivery of the goods and products in to the markets so that they can achieve economy of scale. There are other strategy that can also helped this company is collaboration of the strategic alliance with the strategic management of the company (Ragins, Kram, 2007). It is a new approach that will help the company to manage the related alliance of strategies with the company. This helps in brining short term sales in the company and boosts the brand loyalty in the markets. Recommendations The aim of establishing such strategies is to not let go the customers empty hand form the stores. In order to achieve the company have to bring diversification and innovation in their strategic management. To serve the customers under one roof, there is a requirement to make the entire possible requirement in a store so that the foot ball can be increased which ultimately increase the sales of the company. The company can also use various types of approaches and theories like cost leadership theory, innovation, etc. in the management of the products so that they can achieve the higher share in the markets in the future (Corley, Gioia, 2011). Hence, it can be conclude that a company must have effective management for the strategies so that in future they have a surety to achieve the goals and objectives of the company effectively and efficiently. It also helps in the achieving satisfaction of the customers on a high level as the products and services delivered will be of good qualit y (Eisenhardt, Graebner, 2007). The company should also focus on the performance of the employees and the productivity of the company by indentifying and analyzing the potential of the company as well as the other human resource working in the company. They should provide them training and development programs to enhance their knowledge, skills, talent and potential. This industry is customer based industry hence it is very important for them to achieve high customers satisfaction in order to remain a leading company in the markets of Australia (Hambrick, 2007). It will improve the customers ratings, reviews, and mentality of the people towards Woolworths and its products. Conclusion The company Woolworths is one of the top super market companies in Australia. According to the strategic management and evaluation of the company, it is analyzed that the company is facing competition dude to which they are unable to grow and develop further. There are some core competencies of the company the company like the supply chain of the company and also the resources that are present in the company. They help to manage the rivalry firms in the super markets. In this way, the few strengths of the Woolworths Company help them to withstand against the companies who are competitors. To remain in the competition the company tries to decrease the prices of their products and for this they do not even comprise with the quality of the products. Such policies and strategies of the company help and support them to achieve a high degree of the loyalty and degree of the customers. The company can also use various types of approaches and theories like cost leadership theory, innovation, etc. in the management of the products so that they can achieve the higher share in the markets in the future. Hence, it can be conclude that a company must have effective management for the strategies so that in future they have a surety to achieve the goals and objectives of the company effectively and efficiently. It also helps in the achieving satisfaction of the customers on a high level as the products and services delivered will be of good quality. References Aguinis, H., Boyd, B. K., Pierce, C. A., Short, J. C. (2011). 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